Essential Oils for CrossFit: WODs
I joke that often I talk about CrossFit more than I talk about essential oils. When I stop to think about it, CrossFit is such a huge part of my life - I'm there an hour a day 4-5 days/week (well, except the weeks that the kids keep me out for one reason or another). But oils, I use those about 20 times a day, every single day. They both have a huge impact on my physical and emotional health, and without both of them, I'd be just a shell of the person I am here to be.
So, here I am, about to talk to you about - wait for it - CrossFit AND oils. For the last almost 5 years, CrossFit has been routine for me. We moved back to the Jupiter, FL area and almost immediately jumped into a new gym that was opening down the street. That first day walking into a gym in my hometown, and I was met with acceptance. I was welcomed into a community, I made best friends, and eventually, together, we made muscles, then babies, and more babies. We are raising our kids together, you guys. Our kids see us moving our bodies, day after day, and it's their routine as much as ours. That's special.
I appreciate so much of what the CrossFit community has given me, so I hope this blog post can provide value back to that community. This will be part 1 of a 3 part series on how I (and my husband) have been using doTERRA's essential oils to support ourselves through WODs, recovery, and rest.
It's 5am. You're freaking tired, but you wake up anyways.
For me, this wakeup time is just a way to have some alone time before the kids get up, but for some of you, this is when you get up to make it to your 6am workout before you have to scoot off to work. I totally reach for coffee, but before I do, I make myself an ice water with my Swell bottle, and put two drops of Slim and Sassy Metabolic Blend essential oil in there. I drink that whole bottle of water before I start on some coffee to stay hydrated and help regulate any 5am hunger pangs (because I certainly don't want to eat that early. Am I the only one who wakes up hungry?)
Now it's 9:05am and you're arriving for the 9am workout.
OK, so I have to drop my daughter off at 9, so I'm always 5 minutes late. Only two more years of being late because of the kids school, then I'll miss the excuse, right?! Before the workout, the Breathe Respiratory Blend stick or Breathe Touch gets swiped across my chest to help open up my respiratory system. Breathing can get tough when you're trying to make it through an AMRAP while keeping form top notch, so the added support of this oil keeps you in the clear.
Motivate (Encouraging Blend) gets a drop in that soft spot behind my ears, so I smell like vanilla and peppermint and citrus while feeling like I could do Murph like twice.
Crapppp it's hot and it's only 9:15.
It's Florida, and it's always H O T. Except for like two weeks out of the year. It's cool though, because you have your peppermint essential oil in your gym bag. Grab that baby out, put a drop or two in your hands, rub them together, breathe in, and rub the rest on the back of your neck. This awakens your mental clarity while concurrently keeping you cool... no need to stand next to the gigantic fan!
YOU'RE ALMOST THERE. But you know what? You feel encouraged, energized, and when you move, you get that whiff of the Breathe Respiratory Blend that keeps you breathing in, out, in out, and moving until the end. Take a swig of your Slim and Sassy Metabolic Blend or Lemon water in that swell bottle and keep going, sister.
Do I stop here? Nope. But if I kept going, this post would be way too long. Tomorrow I'll post the link to the post for essential oils for crossfit: recovery.
If, however, this gets you excited and you can't wait to get your own health tools into your home, check out Most of the starter collections are 20% off this month, so my suggestion: go with the Home Essentials Kit and you'll have access to purchase whatever other oils and products you'd like at the 25% wholesale discount (or greater) for the next year.