Essential Oils for CrossFit: Recovery

Check out Part 1 of this series for essential oils that are amazing for applying during a workout, and this post is all about what happens after a WOD kicks your butt, aka recovery!

I can't sit down because my legs are too sore.

(Has this happened to you? Just me?! Maybe it was more towards when I first got started, but it has definitely happened...) Sometimes we go through the rest of the day and feel great, but wake up the next day and feel like our entire body could use an ice bath, or sometimes it's just a concentrated muscle group after working on a particular movement the day before. Either way, Deep Blue Soothing Blend is going to be your new BFF. There are a few ways to apply this oil - as a lotion (in Deep Blue Rub), the Soothing Blend essential oil itself, or in a prediluted Deep Blue Touch roller. My personal favorite is the rub because of its immediate relief of that occasional muscle soreness! It's not greasy, it smells amazing (think like an opening and  yet grounding peppermint and wintergreen, with blue tansy and other oils), and is made with oils that will rock your world and wonder where this has been your whole life. 

If you're more of a "straight from the oil bottle" gal, dilute in a few drops of carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, and a few drops of the essential oil, and apply on location to make it more of a massage blend. The touch roller is already diluted so you can rub right on (and would also be great for that tiny or growing athlete in your life)! My hubby loves to add a couple drops of Lemongrass for the added relief benefits it provides, I prefer without. 

Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex is an internal supplement that helps support your body from the inside out. The days when I overdo it, when I go too hard and my entire body feels inflammed, I take two of these. 

I can't even wash my hair - my hands ripped! 

That sucks. Buy a $4 callus shaver from Publix and don't do that again. But, applying some melaleuca or Correct-X AROUND (not IN!) the affected area helps encourage the skin to start repairing itself. 

Ugh. I can't make it to the gym because my immune system is down. 

This was me. After the kids were born 14 months apart, I couldn't make it a whole week without getting sick. I used essential oils, specifically On Guard Protective Blend, to support my immune system, and by putting a drop in 4 oz of water and drinking it 3-5 times/day, rolling it onto my feet, and diffusing it, I was able to knock down my days out of the gym. 

The game changer, however, was Lifelong Vitality supplements. I started taking these consistently, and my body rejoiced by kicking my immune system into high gear and giving me more energy without an extra 3 cups of coffee a day. I no longer get under the weather and it be the main cause of keeping me away from a WOD. For even extra energy - try out Mito2Max for mitochondrial support (I take two a day)! 

For info on how to get started with your own oils for recovery, check out Most of the starter collections are 20% off this month (Nov 2017), so my suggestion: go with the Home Essentials Kit and you'll have access to purchase whatever other oils and products you'd like at the 25% wholesale discount (or greater) for the next year. Once you get set up, expect an email from me welcoming you to our community!

read on here for part 3/3 of this CrossFit series.


Essential Oils for CrossFit: Rest


Essential Oils for CrossFit: WODs