
The people: I'm Anna, he's Patrick. Harlee Faye and Declan are the cute babes. 

What we love: Striving to live for Jesus, our two children, the ocean, coffee, wine, being organized, a good WOD, eating Paleo(ish), essential oils, and making our home ours... This blog is kind of an extension of what we love, and how we do it, and is following our travels across the US!

What's East and Up?
For me, my happiness is found on the water, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine and the cool of the water (east #floridagirl), and peace found in the love of our Savior (up), and hence, East and Up was born!

The Why: I keep coming back to wanting to share parts of our lives on this blog, and came across Hebrews 3:13, which seemed to confirm the part of me that wants to reach out and share with you. The first part of Hebrews 3:13 states, "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today.." So my goal here? I would love to be able to encourage you, as we're all on this journey of life together!

The dog: Gypsy Lou, our rescued pit bull

My other project - Urban Vintage

I hope you enjoy reading the blog, and I'd love to hear from you! You can email me at
eastandupblog@gmail.com. Learn more about the essential oils I know, love, and trust to use with even the littlest member of my family here


#bordnergreatadventure Arkansas


my something more