baby butts
Some days, I feel like a bad mom. The days I have no time for "me," when all I hear are whining babies who can't quite form the words just yet, days when we all need to get out of the house but can't seem to leave because someone just pooped their pants, is hungry, threw a tantrum, or mommy lost her wallet. All of this can drive us crazy, but there is one thing I actually get upset over - when one of my babies has a red, diaper rash bottom. It's so PREVENTABLE!
Side note: Please! don't just use any essential oil off the shelf. Email me at for information on the brand of essential oils I know and trust!
I am always fighting some form of diaper rash with at least one of the two babies... and feel horrible when I can't ever quite heal it. They have had some really bad ones. Last week, I had an epiphany about the cause of the rashes. We ran out of our normal wipes, so I decided to whip something up with my essential oils while we were waiting for our next order of wipes. We used my home made mixture for a few days, the rash cleared up, our wipes came in, and BAM - diaper rash upon first use of the regular wipes.
I thought the wipes I was using were using was good for their little sensitive skin - but I was wrong. I went through so many causes before I considered thew wipes - I thought it was the disposable diapers, the soap I was using for the cloth diapers, maybe the cloth diapers needed to be stripped, or changed more often.... looking back, I'm not sure why I didn't consider the wipes as the cause!
So, I've gotten rid of all my regular wipes, ordered some different ones to try out for when I need that "convenience" (like when we are out and about), but for home, I have found something that works - and was basically "free" because I had everything on hand. I put this Butt Spray in a colored spray bottle, cut up 3-4 of those organic prefold diapers (I had a bunch I used as burp cloths from baby #1) into 6 squares per cloth. To use it, I spray the Butt Spray onto the cloth and use the cloth to wipe the babies' bottoms, then just toss the used wipe into the same bin as my cloth diapers. After a couple weeks of using this, it works great, is super quick and easy to make, and we haven't had another rash! Another win for amazing essential oils!