paleo peppermint brownies

These most certainly deserve their own blog post. I found these amazing brownies when I had limited ingredients in my kitchen (i.e., no almond or coconut flour, which is odd, because I usually have both).

I dream about these brownies and my husband is currently "mad" at me for making them because he says they're going to make him "fat." Even though they're paleo, they're loaded with sugar.

I'm just going to refer you to the blog where I found the recipe, and here is how I modified it:
  • instead of 2/3 cup coconut sugar, I do 1/3 cup organic Vermont maple syrup and 1/3 cup coconut sugar
  • added 2 drops of certified pure grade peppermint essential oil (next time I'll add 3-4 for a little extra minty flavor)
  • used Enjoy Life chocolate chips
Make them. You'll thank me (or be mad, whatevs).

For more information on where to purchase the certified pure peppermint essential oil, send me an email


my first competition.


Essential Oil Deodorant