Essential Oil Deodorant

So back in the day, I would make my own deodorant. Life happens, and then I stopped. When my current deodorant quit working for me (does that happen to you? I get halfway through a store-bought deodorant and it stops being effective), I decided to make a batch of detoxifying deodorant using my certified pure essential oils. We all know that regular deodorant is bad... but so convenient.

The only thing I do differently than the recipe in the link above is use half the baking soda and add a few drops of lavender essential oil - the girl that introduced me to this recipe was sensitive to the baking soda so I followed her lead, and the lavender helps soothe any skin irritations and smells great. This recipe is easy peasy and you don't have to worry about all the yucky ingredients found in conventional deodorant. I have some Ikea jars and fill them with the deodorant, or any glass jar (baby food jar, or whatever you have laying around) will do.

Does this deodorant work? Yes! I CrossFit... and I don't stink afterwards. It's not an antiperspirant, but it certainly is a great, quick, DIY deodorant! My husband uses it as well with rave reviews - and he's one of "those" super sweaty guys at CrossFit.

Enjoy :)


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