Your quickie oil class is here.



If you want to take control of your self-care, recognize that you’re likely inviting toxic products into your home (albeit unintentionally), support your body with natural health tools for issues like immune, respiratory, and skin support, teach your children the value of self-care, and start taking your self care seriously, for real this time - so that you can feel amazing as you grow your business (and your family)… then read on.

This page includes the essential oil basics + why you want to partner with me, with this company, and start purchasing your natural wellness products and essential oils from the largest and fastest growing essential oil company in the world - who takes sourcing, purity, and giving back, seriously.

I'll walk through what essential oils are, why sourcing and quality are so important, how to use the top ten oils, and then I'll show you how to get them into your home. With these top oils, you'll have about 80% of the health + self care solutions you really want to get started with. Sound good? Good. Let's get started.

You can either watch the video by clicking below, or read through! Some days I like to listen, some days I like to read… so this delivers it both ways :)


What are essential oils? 

Essential oils are naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, and other parts of the plant. 

There are no wasted efforts in nature. Have you ever wondered what the role of essential oils is in seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants? Essential oils play key roles reproductive, protective, and regenerative purposes. Watch this video and consider the endless applications of these gifts from the earth!

Sourcing with sustainability + vision

One of the huge reasons I fell in love with doTERRA is the co-impact sourcing model. These oils are sourced from all over the world - over 40 different countries - from where the plants are going to provide the purest, more beautiful and potent form of essential oils. Where there are typically middle men not giving fair prices, doTERRA creates opportunity for farmers for consistent income by working with them directly. This is one of my favorite co-impact sourcing stories in this video, showing where we source Vetiver from Haiti. If you love this as much as I do, find more of these videos on doTERRA's YouTube channel! 

Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade and Source To You

With a background in engineering, I nerded out on reading more about the testing practices doTERRA uses to ensure our oils have no contaminants, fillers, pesticides, or synthetics. There is nothing like these oils around - so doTERRA had to create a testing system to ensure the proper purity and potency. You can read more about that here.

The other thing that NO other company is doing - and why doTERRA is going to be a household name in a few short years - is the website You can read all about the oils, the sourcing practices, and even SEE THE TEST RESULTS when you enter in the lot number on the bottom of your single oil bottle. 

A word on safety before we continue, and worth pinning!

Top 10 oils

Below are some of my favorite simple ways to start using your Home Essentials Kit and top ten oils! I promise that once you open those caps and start using your oils, you'll experience a domino effect and they'll replace so much of what you are using in your home. 


  • Peppermint is The Oil of a Buoyant Heart: it brings buoyancy to the heart and soul and gives us strength to face our emotions.

  • Peppermint is cooling and invigorating and promotes clear breathing. My favorite way to experience all 3 is put 1-2 drops in your hands, rub them together, and take a few deep breaths with your hands cupped over your nose and mouth. Finally, rub your hands onto the back of your neck to get the cooling effect. No more caffeine crash with this or do this before a workout! 

  • Helps settle occasional stomach upset. Add to your water, dilute and rub into tummy, smell from bottle.

  • Add to a smoothie (especially anything with chocolate protein).

  • Helps soothe head and neck tension - apply topically.


  • Lemon is The Oil of Focus: it engages the mind and aids concentration and teaches us to be mentally present by focusing on one thing at a time.

  • Lemon cleanses & purifies the air and surfaces. Diffuse while you’re cleaning so your house smells amazing and create an uplifting environment.

  • Add to a glass spray bottle with water and white vinegar to clean surfaces. What are you currently cleaning with? (Check out and the free think dirty app to rate your current products)

  • Add a drop to your water daily for gentle detoxification benefits. I add one to my swell bottle every time I fill it up!


  • Lavender is The Oil of Communication & Calm: aids in verbal expression and calming the mind of insecurities that are felt when we risk our true thoughts and feelings. Are you building a business? Do you speak your truths? Sometimes adding lavender to our routine will help us get past the fear of our insecurities.

  • Lavender is “swiss army knife” of essential oils - it has SO many uses! 

  • promotes peaceful sleep: add a drop  to temples, on pillow. Diffuse with breathe, or put lavender and water in spray bottle and spritz your sheets and pillows before bed.

  • Soothes occasional skin irritations. Use it with melaleuca!


  • On Guard is The Protective Blend: generally used to shield us from attacks on our immune system, but it also extends emotionally to helping ward off negative energies and strengthens our boundaries. Dilute a drop and place it over your heart at an airport, at work, at school, or wherever you want to protect yourself from negative energies.

  • Supports healthy immune function. This is one you want to use daily!

  • Dilute and rub onto bottoms of feet before school or work.  

  • Diffuse daily.  

  • Add it to your hand soap, make hand sanitizer, or explore the whole on guard line of products.

  • Another one you can clean with! Try a 16 ml glass spray bottle, fill with half water, half white vinegar + add 10 drops On Guard.

  • Here's a video I did on 4 economical ways to use On Guard


  • The Oil of Humility and NonAttachment. Oregano removes blocks, clears negativity, and teaches us to be humble.

  • Powerful cleansing and purifying agent

  • You can also cook with it! 

  • Use when you need “extra” immune support: immune support blend: 10 drops each  frankincense, lemon, meleuca, oregano, and On Guard in 10 ml roller bottle. Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil and apply onto the bottoms of your feet several times a day. 

Deep Blue

  • Deep Blue is the oil of surrendering pain or soothing blend, that is generally used for soothing physical pain, but can also offers strength to face emotional wounds.

  • Use for occasional muscle pain. Dilute with fractionated coconut oil and massage into affected area. 

  • To soothe head and neck tension - dilute and apply to back of neck. 

  • This is your BFF after a workout or after gardening! Also try out Deep Blue Rub. 


  • The Digestive Blend supports the body’s digestive system, but also a powerful emotional quality for supporting people to help digest life’s many experiences.

  • Add to FCO and rub into your belly, or a drop under your tongue when you have an occasional upset stomach.

  • Inhale directly from bottle.

  • This essential oil was a lifesaver with my babies when they were little. I made a roller bottle out of it and kept it by the diaper changing table. Every time I'd change their diaper, I would apply this oil in a circle around their belly button. 


  • Melaleuca is The Oil of Energetic Boundaries: it clears negative energetic baggage and also a disinfectant by nature.

  • So great for soothing occasional skin irritations. Bug bites, minor rashes. With kids, dilute with FCO and rub into skin.

  • Add to your facial cleanser, or check out the verage skin care line - it’s in the cleanser.

  • My favorite room and linen spray is 10 drops each lavender, peppermint, and melaleuca topped with water in a 16 oz glass spray bottle. Use it for refreshing the house before guests come over! 


  • Frankincense is The Oil of Truth: reveals deceptions and false truths, invites us to let go of lower vibrations + negativity.

  • Physically, frankincense is amazing for supporting cellular health. Check out the research that’s been going on with frankincense lately - but this is a beautiful one to put a drop under your tongue daily to support general health + well being.

  • Helps improves the appearance of dark spots and stretch marks. Apply after a shower after diluting with FCO.

  • Helps increase circulation - use on tired hands after a day of gardening

  • Add to your moisturizer.

  • Drop on your temples to create feelings of grounding and relaxation


  • Breathe is The Oil of Breath or the Respiratory Blend, emotionally this assists us to release grief and sadness (breathe out), and receive genuine love + healing (breathe in)

  • supports healthy respiratory system.

  • dilute and rub into chest when needing  extra respiratory support, during seasonal threats or even before a workout.

  • diffuse at night with lavender for calming.

  • My son struggled with breathing for a while - I believe it was due to an allergy I never identified that he since grew out of - but I would make a roller bottle of 5 drops breathe and top with FCO and applied it several times a day - there was a noticeable difference in his breathing after applying.

Diffuser blends

Because this is like, the most fun part of getting your kit is getting your diffuser all set up!

Further Resources

While I could go on forever about how to use essential oils - you now have the basics!

  • You know the 3 ways to use doTERRA oils: aromatically, topically, and internally.

  • You know that doTERRA essential oils are pure, potent, and the real deal.

  • You know a few ways to use each of the top 10 oils, and what to diffuse when you open up your first wellness box.

  • Before you click the button below to get your own oils, I want to mention that after you purchase them, you’ll receive an email from me within 24 hours about further resources, including books and apps where you can literally look up an issue, and it tells you how to use essential oils to handle it.

With a book + a box of essential oils - you can solve SO MUCH of what comes up in your home. That, my friends, is how you become the CEO of your home.

You’re a problem solver, naturally.