...so what exactly are we doing?

I've posted a few photos lately that have raised quite a few questions... like this one

and this one

What are we doing? Where are we going? Did we sell our house? When are we leaving? While legitimate questions (concerns?), they are not easily answered. I think my favorite part of this "plan" is that there is no solid travel "plan." Generally speaking, Patrick and I drank a bottle of wine one night and decided we were going to buy a camper, sell or rent our house out (whichever it worked out to be), and travel the US with our almost 2-year-old daughter and almost 9-month-old son and 12 year old pit bull.... and with lots of prayer, pre-planning, cleaning, and help from our tribe, we're almost there.

Our initial "plan" had Patrick taking a sabbatical, and when that didn't work out as we planned, we're confident God has plans when ours fall through. However, I'm so blessed to be able to be a #girlboss from the road... teaching people how to live a life of natural health using essential oils has become a lifeblood for me and my family, and I have an amazing business partner for Urban Vintage and believe it or not, it's not all playing with beautiful vintage things in gorgeous venues with award winning photographers, haha, although that is the best part :)

When we first started looking for campers, Patrick and I agreed on a budget and had in mind the setup that would work best for our family. We couldn't believe it when the first used camper we looked at was the layout we wanted, within 30 minutes of our house, and the price we settled on was exactly what we were able to spend. If you know me at all, you'd know why I wouldn't want a new one - I had other plans than factory crimson, floral window coverings and stale wafer-colored patterned walls. Patrick and I agreed that if we're going to be spending almost a year (or whatever it works out to be) in a 27' camper, then it has to represent our family, have appropriate storage, and of course, be cute. It was a dream come true when he and I were able to go on a 3 hour Target shopping trip without the kids to stock up on housewares!

We've since put our house up on airbnb, had several renters, and found out that I actually kind of enjoy the hosting gig! It's certainly a whole other job for me, keeping up with inquiries and the listing, and having the house together at all times. We are excited to be hosting someone coming in the middle of February and staying almost two months, but it also kicks us out of our house a couple weeks earlier than planned!

As far as our travel itinerary goes, I left that up to my husband. I plan in too much detail and didn't want the stress, but this also means I have no idea where we're going to stay when our guests arrive on February 12th... ahem, Patrick... We did make a bucket list of places we want to visit, friends and family we want to see, and general timeframes we want to be where, so that's a great jumping point to finalize campgrounds or places to stay. 

While we aren't entirely sure what we're getting ourselves into, we know there are beautiful moments waiting to happen. It was time for us to slow down and remove ourselves from the hustle of everyday busyness, and want to show our children that life isn't about straight As, student loans, and cubicles. 

We have friends from all over - we love local knowledge, and want to hear your thoughts - what is your favorite place to visit in the U.S.? Your favorite thing to do in your hometown? Your favorite brewery, hike, or monument? Leave your fave in the comments below!

<3 Anna

first couple weeks on the road


clean up, clean up...