week 23 aka listening to tupac radio in remembrance of my halloween costume

I guess it's been a while. Crazy how quickly time keeps going by.

Gypsy just couldn't resist the photo bomb. And she's too cute so I let her. Especially with that neck roll. Sexy. 

Feeling: Still love feeling her move around all the time. Like I have to pee every 30 minutes (so annoying). Like I want another dog, and if I get another one, I'm totally going to regret it when I'm home with 3 dogs and a baby for 3 months. 

Not feeling: Feeling pretty good, actually. Overall, no complaints. 

Weight Gain: 7 lbs at our 20 week checkup. 

Projects: We finally painted our master bedroom. Amazing what some paint on the walls can do for a room to make it feel more like home. 

Planning: Our baby shower, ie, party. 

Best thing(s) this week: Halloween party at the gym. Baby shower planning with my sisters. Having a freshly painted bedroom. The smell of our house with warm apple pie candles burning. Going trick-or-treating with my niece. Being able to have the windows open for a couple days due to the cooler weather. 

If any of you know my sister Eden, you'll know she dressed me. She's hilarious. This costume was great. 

the mamas to be!

 J-town. haha. and my super hot Clark Kent. 

Workouts: Still somehow making it through WODs day after day. Going slower, doing less, and just trying to stay thankful to keep moving!

and bam. i can still do pullups. 

i just wanna knock it down.


paleo pumpkin french toast