kind of a big deal.
Picture this. Me, my husband, my sisters, Katie and Eden, Eden's 3-year-old daughter Cailyn, and myself at my parents' house.
Mom: "...blah blah something about Chinese baby girls having to be adopted in the US" (how does this come up...??)
Me: (after 20 minutes of conversation trying to spit it out) "Speaking of giving away babies, do you want one in 9 months?"
Eden: "Anna's having a baby!!"
Cailyn: "yayyyyY!!!! I want a boy or a girl"
Katie: "I'm so happy for me... I mean you!" (ok so this was in a text message after I told her, but conveys her thoughts pretty perfectly <3 )
hah. I'm so awesome, I can't even tell my mom I'm pregnant. I'm also that awkward that is how I am telling everyone else. So yay, this chica and her hubby are adding Baby B to the family sometime around February 23rd! (Which will forever confuse me, Patrick's birthday is February 27th). I figured, what better day to announce you're pregnant than on your own birthday, on August 12th, on the first day of week 12?
So, in typical blog fashion, I came up with (borrowed? stole?) the whole "pick a few questions and answer them every week" thing, and the below is what I came up with. This first one lists random tidbits up until week 11, so stick with me. Next week's should be less chaotic.
Week: 3-11
Feeling: (week 3) scared. a little dizzy during workouts. sad i can't drink wine for 9 months. (week 6) bloated. ugh. gross all the time and not like myself (didn't help being sick for a week). Kind of that feeling like when you're really drunk and can't do anything about it and are about to throw up? That kind of helpless feeling. Bad analogy? Maybe. Also feeling a little easier talking about it (I am excited, just conveying it is a little tough!) (week 8-9) tired. all. the. time. (week 10) a little more energy coming back, but still doing a lot of sleeping. (week 11) going to sleep at 8pm! yeahhh staying up late, people. Although energy is slightly creeping back... and excited. And loving that the friends and family we have told so far, have been super supportive and happy for us.
Not feeling: like eating! Even though I'm hungry. Meat? Forget it. If I see it raw and smell that awfulness, not gonna come near it. Could be why I was so hungry the other day and came home with a large pizza for myself... oops... can't continue that eating behavior. Also weird when I've been eating Paleo for over a year, and now meat and veggies are gross. Fruit, eggs, and almond butter for me, please. (weeks 8-9) meat is starting to come back into my life. thank goodness. Oranges and cucumbers with cream cheese and salt... a perfect example of how I've been eating. (weeks 10-11) I tried liver. It was gross. But apparently liver is really good for you while pregnant and according to my mom, we cooked it wrong. Maybe I'll try again if I'm feeling brave. In the meantime, the dogs are enjoying the ish out of some liver in their dinners. I even ate chicken again. Go me! and please finish going away, stupid food aversions.
Weight gain: 1-2ish lbs, which I have read is pretty normal for first trimester. Probably has nothing to do with me getting sick for over a week (that was horrible), not doing CrossFit for a week, and eating pizza and a ton of fruit...
Planning: our master bedroom makeover so Patrick can move his clothes into our room and out of the baby's room. How we want a fence for the doggies so it's one less thing to worry about. The guest bath makeover. How to not work... wait what? Just kidding. Which brings up a great point - who is going to watch this baby when I'm working? Oh geez.
Projects: our guest bathroom is in the works! I didn't really mean to start here, I just came home one day and started removing wallpaper and it just went from there.
Projects: our guest bathroom is in the works! I didn't really mean to start here, I just came home one day and started removing wallpaper and it just went from there.
Best thing this week: (up until now since this is the first post) ok scariest and best thing - finding out I was pregnant.
best thing #2 - Patrick coming home with flowers and a card, and all his sweet encouragement as I'm still freaking out.
best thing #3: My 3-year-old niece saying grace at the dinner table, and saying, "...and thank you God for the baby in Anna's tummy!"
best thing #4: going to the Keys to watch some great friends of ours get married, and seeing a bunch of old friends who are now scattered across the US :)
best thing #4: going to the Keys to watch some great friends of ours get married, and seeing a bunch of old friends who are now scattered across the US :)
Workouts: Still CrossFitting, typically 4-5 days a week... haven't done much modification yet other than going a bit slower, but definitely doing the research on what I should/should not be doing a little later in the pregnancy.
Proof no "baby bump" as of yet.... although this was like week 6, and at week 9 (now 12) it's more of a bloat thing. Like I have to tell myself I'm not fat, I'm pregnant. hah. I guess I really should start doing pictures every week now.
I definitely plan on using this blog as a tool throughout this pregnancy, and hopefully talking about paleo foods we make (being on a 40 Day Paleo Challenge is tough to do while all you want to do is inhale a pizza, some french bread, and some brie), CrossFit, house remodels, etc etc will keep me motivated to stay healthy throughout and keep our home happy and cute. Of course, that means Patrick needs to fix the oven that broke two months ago....