Raw Crush
I had to write the last post so I could write this post. I want to plan our house and we haven't even moved in yet. Since we have stylish renter beigey-yellow walls, and the dude just painted them and i don't wannnnaaaa repaint (and he probably won't let us), let's see what I can work with. (But seriously? They're like yellowy. Yuck.)
These walls are kind of beige-y? If you squint? It's actually raw concrete. I'm down with the neutrals and then the blues and oranges and huge picture on the wall, but let's be real. What I really love about this is the loft style house with the beamed ceilings and huge wall of windows. Check out some more of this beautiful loft house here.
I am also crushing on this room. So peaceful and pretty and not gray walls, and the brick behind the bed is just fun. I think I'm tired of gray walls. Found here.
I did go and take pictures of what will be our home for at least a year, which I am sure I will share soon. (This working thing gets in the way of what I really want to do sometimes.) Although a lot of the house is remodeled, it's going to still be difficult going from a home my husband and I were intimately involved with remodeling for the last almost three years to a home where we picked out nothing. It's not entirely our taste, but it's beautiful in it's own right, and most importantly, a really nice place to live!