Midnight Gardening
Going back in time, a few months ago Patrick and I got the inspiration from Young House Love to put our bushes swallowing our house in the front yard up for free on Craigslist. So, I enthusiastically placed an add for free bushes on Craigslist, and sweet... people actually came to our house and took away our strange green bushes. We were also able to rid ourselves of palm tree in the backyard that was in the way of where we wanted to build a shed, and a fig tree (read: a barren bush) that as much as I wanted to keep it, it was in the way of the path to the shed, and I was slowly killing it with my not-so-green thumbs. Patience? Not this girl.
We didn't actually remove the palm tree, it's just a slightly different angle.
Since we have such an awesome view from our front porch, I put a little table out there (scored for $20 from a yard sale plus the cost of spraypaint! Awesome).
But since it's a tiny little not-really-a-front-porch porch, we needed some extra walking space, so Patrick and I did a little midnight gardening and added a little walkway in front of the real walkway using some red mulch and some red square bricks from Home Depot. It was a cheap fix (under $40!), and we get to enjoy the front porch and I can still walk out of the house with my heels on and not sink into the grass in the mornings on my way to work in an attempt to walk around the table.
And then I had to paint the front door. On the first picture you can't even see the front door - it's covered up by ugly bushes - but believe me when I say it was nasty brown wood that has started to splinter. Since we removed the old screen noisy door, the ugly door was in full view. I love "oops" paint from Home Depot because I was able to spend less than $15 on paint and supplies to paint that bad boy. And by bad boy, I mean it's horrible. That door is a wreck with it's splintering wood and window that lets in all the cold air and it really needs to be replaced, but since the door would have to be custom built and will cost around $700, painting was an awesome easy (temporary) fix for us. Wow. I didn't realize until after my house has been pressure cleaned how dirty it is in these two pictures. Gross. But hopefully our cute green flower pots steal at least part of the show? And can you please ignore the disassembled failed mantel? k thanks.