Spray Paint = Love.

I kind of really love spray painting things, especially when I'm bored or procrastinating from doing bigger house projects, like helping my husband build a shed. I like to spray paint things things that would have otherwise been realllllly ugly, like this mirror for example. (I forgot to take a picture before I started prepping it for paint.) I was pretty excited when I found it; the mirror was $5 at Goodwill and screaming my name. 

So, I grabbed some yellow spray paint, and after the paint dried and after cleaning off and cute-ifying my husband's dresser to actually make the picture look as decent as I can using a camera phone (again, I need a camera! but Dave Ramsey's plan doesn't really allow for things like that at the moment ;), this is what it looks like: 

And Patrick doesn't actually have a vase with faux Gerbera daisies and a jewelry box on his dresser, but he should, because they're cute.

Another "pinspiration" I came across is this awesome purple mirror (from here). 

from here

Coincidentally, I have this huge silver framed mirror that was just taking up space in our master bedroom that Patrick hated, and I loved, but just hadn't found its "niche" in our house yet. So I went to Home Depot and came home with some apple green rustoleum, and a while later, we had this:

This room still needs a rug, the trim finished, some pillows that tie the green, aqua, and navy blue together, the electrical outlet cover (!! how he could buy the switches and forget the plate is intriguing to me...), and eventually a more comfortable couch. (Did you notice the little matching remote holder? Definitely spray painted that as well.) I also need to finish the mantel! At this point the other side of the room looks like this...

It will be amazing when it's finished - and when I won't need an extension cord to use the computer and sit in the chair at the same time. I think I'm going to take some inspiration from Young House Love and paint the brick in the fireplace a dark gray. Then I'll need to convince my super handy dandy contractor brother that it's time to come back over and finish the trim and build us a mantel. Good luck to me.


Washington, Part 1: Ear-popping, mountain climbing goodness


Hi, I'm Anna, and I'm Addicted.